Required Homework #2: 1. Modify the in-class R to fit a logistic function (in place of the normal ogive) to the Bock & Jones Constant Method Saltiness data. Do this for both the derivative-free version and the version with derivatives. [Hints: If the latter seems difficult, reconsider some of the things we said about logistics in class last week. It should not be difficult.] 2. Modify the in-class C++ to fit a logistic function (in place of the normal ogive) to the Bock & Jones Constant Method Saltiness data. In both of the above, hand in your program code, the results you obtain, and a short report on the process. Which model fits better, the normal or the logistic? This homework is due in class on Monday, November 3. Optional Homework Exercises, Set #6, for Bock & Jones class #1: A. Augment the report, above, with a compare-and-contrast exercise between Thurstone's Model and the model that yields the logistic as the function being fitted (hint: That's usually called "Luce's Choice Model"). B. Figure out (from the references in the R Help for glm, or from other sources) just exactly what R's glm function is doing when it says it's doing "iteratively reweighted least squares," and provide a report on that to the rest of us. Is it, indeed, exactly the same as ML?